Aadhaar eSign
Aadhaar-backed digital signatures hold the same legal validity as handwritten signatures, empowering users to electronically sign documents “Anytime, Anywhere.” Utilizing OTP verification through Aadhaar-linked mobile numbers, our platform delivers a secure, paperless, and efficient solution for digital signing. Simplify your workflows while ensuring data confidentiality, legal compliance, and seamless integration with existing systems.
With Protean eGov Technologies integration (formerly NSDL), the Aadhaar eSign solution is designed specifically for SDK clients seeking to incorporate e-Sign functionalities into their systems. Admin users gain access to tools like API keys and system configurations for smooth third-party integration, with standardized onboarding workflows for a secure and efficient experience.
Support PDF Format & Create Fillable Fields
Customize our eSignature API with your company’s branding.
Multiple Signature Modes- text-based signatures or upload a personalized signature
OTP-Based Verification via Aadhaar-linked mobile number.
Drag-and-Drop Signature Placement Flexibility
No Aadhaar ID, legal documents, or signatures are at risk of being compromised.
Signed documents are end-to-end encrypted, ensuring maximum protection against unauthorized access.
Complete the authentication process and apply signatures instantly.
Uncompromised Security-OTP-based authentication ensures secure and verifiable signatures.
Paperless Convenience by eliminating the need for physical documents, saving time and resources.
How does it works
Prepare Your Documents in PDF format and ensure your Aadhaar is linked to an active mobile number for OTP verification.
Uploading of the document using iServeU’s interface.
Aadhaar number to be entered and the identity must be verified using the OTP sent to your registered mobile number.
Once the OTP is verified, the document will be electronically signed. Our platform ensures accuracy throughout the process.
After authentication performs a successful eKYC for that Aadhaar number (between eSign Service Provider and UIDAI)
Download the digitally signed document and share it securely as needed.