iServeU | Banking as a Service | Banking Infrastructure Provider

Prepaid Card Issuance

Deliver payment solutions with iServeU’s prepaid card program, perfectly aligned with unique requirements. Experience the freedom to choose from diverse cards, enabling you to cater to various use cases and provide seamless payment experiences. Whether it’s a gift card, or a general-purpose reloadable (GPR) prepaid card, our Prepaid card API empowers you to create offerings that meet your specific needs. Stand out from the competition, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive loyalty by offering a range of versatile prepaid card options through our user-friendly solution. Elevate your payment offerings and unlock new revenue streams with iServeU’s flexible smart card program. We are the leading Prepaid Card Solution Provider.

End-to-end Prepaid Card Management

  • KYC

  • Card Personalization

  • Reconciliation settlement & chargeback management

  • Regulatory compliance

  • Infrastructure and business operations

  • Prepaid card Issuance and card lifecycle management

  • Authentication, Authorization & Interchange processing

  • 3D Secure authentication

  • Partner Management

  • Card Bureau Engagement

Engagement Models for Bank

  • iServeU as a Program Manager

  • iServeU as a TSP

Use Cases

Automated Merchant Onboarding

Merchant Portal

Certified Payment Application

Real-time Settlements

Partner With Us

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