iServeU | Banking as a Service | Banking Infrastructure Provider

iServeU: Empowering Excellence Through Upskilling and Innovation!

At iServeU, we are committed to shaping the future of work by making it meaningful for every member of our iServeU family. We understand the importance of nurturing our team’s growth, careers, and self-development. One of the key ways we achieve this is by empowering our iServeU family with upskilling opportunities, enabling them to acquire in-demand skills and ensuring a steady path to career advancement.

Our dedicated iServeU team is passionate in building and maintaining a competitive talent advantage. We recognize that individualized learning and career-enhancing upskilling are essential components of professional development. That’s why we have implemented an Employee Learning and training sessions, which supports each team and its members in pursuing their chosen skill certifications.

So, what sets iServeU’s upskilling initiatives apart? Let’s explore:

Tech Upskilling

iServeU’s engineering teams require continuous skill development to keep pace with the ever-evolving landscape of technology and automation. These skill development programmers have enabled over 500 iServeU engineers to upskill in areas such as advanced designing, machine learning languages such as python,, etc. For good user interface, our team uses frontend language like Android and Angular and for backend mostly node is utilized. Most importantly iServeU offers vast expertise in NPCI Switching technology that is only present to limited fintech companies across world but we are the one in India dealing with its technology that incorporates Java and Go-Lang , enhancing our employees with its utilization.

Fostering Inter-Team Collaborations

We actively promote cross-functional learning by organizing sessions where internal experts share their knowledge of various technologies. Through initiatives like “Tech Talks” on each Wednesday of the week, our engineers exchange insights and experiences, from scalable technology development to tackling challenging engineering problems.

Our Product teams also engage in knowledge-sharing through weekly sessions under the different knowledge transferring program. These sessions foster innovation, inspire brainstorming, and contribute to the creation of the next generation of fintech products.


Effective People Manager Programs

Recognizing the pivotal role of leaders in building high-performing teams, we provide comprehensive training. Our Human Resource training includes year-round assimilation programs and workshops on Effective People Management, along with the Art of Giving Feedback, which supports our Performance Management Systems during appraisal cycles.

Comprehensive Onboarding

Our extensive onboarding training modules ensure that every new iServeU team member receives comprehensive training and possesses the necessary information to excel in their roles from day one.

iServeU is committed to continually enhancing our upskilling initiatives, and we aim at nurturing the next set of leaders and managers within iServeU. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting opportunity!

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