iServeU | Banking as a Service | Banking Infrastructure Provider

Loan Management System (LMS)

iServeU’s Loan Management System is a high-performing solution that facilitates end-to-end digital lending processes for Banks, NBFCs, and MFIs. It is a simplified, coded, configurable platform that automates customer management operations, digitizes repayment options, and provides users with insights derived from data obtained throughout the loan journey. The system offers credit verification, thorough underwriting, prompt sanctioning, and portfolio monitoring. Our next-generation LMS is designed to meet the growing needs of banks and NBFCs, supporting the successful launch of new products. Users simply need to articulate their customers’ needs and requirements, and all processes can be digitized seamlessly on our Digital Lending LMS platform.

Key Stages

  • Loan Servicing

  • Payment Processing

  • Account Maintenance

  • Administration

  • Delinquency Management

  • Loan Modification & restructuring

  • Payoff & Loan Termination

Unique features

Product Configuration

Simplified field definition

Easy Monitoring


Advanced Risk Management Platform

Centralized Data Management

Credit Assessment

Notification Engine

Top Up Loan Configuration


  • Comprehensive & efficient loan monitoring

  • Prompt loan enhancement Feature

  • Smooth Loan Closure Options

  • Accessible in Multiple Gadgets

  • Repayment Reminder

  • Generates Inbuilt Report

  • Option of Automatic repayments

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